Saturday 24 January 2015

Improving Reading Habit!

There can be different reason for reading books to different people. We don't require to think much about the reason behind reading books regularly, no doubt this habit has great impact...i remember a quote that "when you are reading you are not alone" this is true because when ever you read a book you visualize which create an image in your mind. I have my own reason behind reading the books that's why I love reading books...How to improve reading habit? Few of you may have this question in your mind so today on this prestigious day of "Sarswati puja" i want to talk about how and why to improve reading habit. This is few tricks which i have applied in myself and believe me this works.

the first thing you need to do is read news paper every morning. While you are reading make sure you read a bit louder this will improve your speaking skill too.

You think your English is poor ?, well reading comics can have great impact. Comics includes different dialogue with picture so if you don't understand the dialogue, picture can be helpful in that case. 

Movie with subtitle:
If you are watching movie make sure that you watch it with subtitle. So reading subtitle has also good impact on improving reading habit.

visit to the library on the regular basis beside this you can have your own library. Keep the collection of all those book which you love to read.

find a quite place for reading. This have great impact on understanding what you read, so make sure you have good environment for reading. Try to avoid disturbing factor.

Read it what you see:
you got a product in your hand read the description of that product, for example if you are hungry and you bought lets say WiWi noodles or any other product, you can read the description given on the wrapper. You can do this on any products like chocolate, biscuit, medicine, manuals etc.

while you are reading you need to visualize it. If you are reading any novel you need to create a visual in your mind, this will help to remember for long. It improves memory power.

Read regularly:
Try to read on the regular basis no matter whether you read for ten minutes or hours... you need to keep on doing this on the regular basis.

Make a Note:
Last but not the least, maintain a proper dairy for what ever you read. Choose the topic you like most and maintain a note own your own. This will improve your writing skill too.

These are few tricks which i have applied with me and its fun. What do you think is this helpful to improve reading habit. Don't forget to leave your thinking on reading books below in the comment section. Thanks

Thursday 25 September 2014

Challenges of Nepalese Economy(Part 2)

Monetary Sector:

Task of extending financial services to village level through financial inclusion and enhancing financial literacy among the general public have remained a challenge.

Challenges of Nepalese Economy(Part 1)

Nepal is facing numerous challenges in the path of economic development. Major constraints hurdles and challenges of economic development facing by Nepal are outlined below:

Wednesday 24 September 2014

6 ways to decrease the trade deficit of Nepal

    The country needs to have balance between Export and import, The export-Import ratio should not be too low.The contribution of remittance income, Travel income and Foreign grant is significant in controlling increasing trade deficit of the economy , but these are not going help, these are not the sources which will give double digit growth which needed for vision 2020. following are some most important area where Nepal needs to think and act immediately:

Wednesday 13 August 2014

God's Pond... Stop this Extreme Cruelty :(

I wonder what kind of ritual is this? I wonder what kind of fear it is?? Why can’t people understand that GOD never never ask for such kind of sacrifices???. Why can’t people sacrifice their ignorance, their negative thought , their cruelty ???  what is the fault of those helpless animal?????

Friday 11 July 2014

Budget Basics

Budget is and instrument through which the government controls the entire economy where as budgeting is a process of preparing, negotiating and agreeing a quantified and specific plan for organization, normally for a year.

There for budget is a mirror to look the government developmental activities which sets a framework for policy formulation and implementation. This is also a means of legal control. Budget document is the good source of public information on past activities, present decisions and future on past activities, present decisions and future prospects. A significant feature of a budget is comprehensiveness that must include all government agencies and financial transaction...
Two component of Budget:
      1) Government Expenditure
      2) Government Revenue
Government expenditure can be classified in following ways:
      1)  Object Classification
      2)  Functional Classification; includes General public service and economic classification for example: Current Expenditure, Capital Expenditure, Net bending including net acquisition of equities  ; and Economic service includes Agriculture, Mining, Manufacturing, Electricity, Roads, Water transport.            
      3)Economic Classification:
Budget Cycle

Types of Budget
👉Deficit Budget:
👉Surplus Budget
👉Balance Budget
👉Program Budget
👉Line item Budge
👉Zero Based Budget
Program Budget:
Budget which is prepared keeping program as base is called program budget. In this type of budget there is per unit cost is determined. This budget has been started by Hoover Commission in America in 1945 AD. In Nepal this budget came in to existence for development expenses. In 1950 AD second Hoover Commission brought the concept of program budget which tells that planning and program is the part of budget system.
The main objective of this budget is to achieve the goal and result by making budget program oriented. This budget was implemented in FY 2007/28. There are three element of program budget.
👉Planning (Structure)
👉Program (Analysis)
👉Budgeting (Information arrangement)
Deficit Budget:
When Expenditure exceeds the Income deficit occurs. The budget in which is presented to meet the deficit is regarded as deficit budget. Developing country used to prepare this kind of budget in order to utilize neutral resource and means of the country. This budget is largely being practiced in Nepal.
Surplus Budget:
On the contrary to deficit budget when income exceeds the expenditure. This kind of budget is generally practiced in developed country. This budget was implemented in FY 2033/34 BS in Nepal.
Balanced Budget:
This kind of budget is practiced when Income equals to expenditure (Income = Expenditure). Balanced Budget was practiced in 2009/10BS in Nepal.
Zero Based Budget:
The concept of ZBB was developed by US former president Jimmi Carter in 1977AD. The budget which is prepared without considering previous year budget as base is called as zero based budget.
Line Item Budget:
The Budget which is prepared (allotted) on the basis of individual expenditure is regarded as line item Budget. This budget also called as expense head budget. The allocated budget in Nepal for example, Salary, Allowance, Travelling allowance, furniture etc..
Historical Back Ground of Budget:
Fiscal Year (AD/BS)
1733 AD
UK first country to implement budget by UK PM Robert Walpole
2008-10-22 BS
First time implemented in Nepal by PM Matrika Pd. Koirala and Finance Minister Subham Samsher.
2009/10 BS
Balanced Budget
Implementation of FY from 1st srawan to Ashad
2013/14 BS
Budget was divided into General and Development Budget.
2016/17 BS
Budget presented in Nepalese currency
2017/18 BS
Issuance of Act on National Debt
2026/27 BS
Development Budget/Program Budget
2033/34 BS
Surplus Budget
2059/60 BS
Implementation of MTEF(mid term expenditure program frame work)
2061/62 BS
Implementation of budget by dividing into Current Budget, capital Budget and principal return instead of General and Development budget

The country who presents two different Budgets is India; Rail Budget and Union Budget.  
👉France is the country which present budget twice in a year.
👉Program Budget first started from America

 What special in  next budget?

Many are worried about inflation, Many are curious to know the allotment fund for their area and community, Entrepreneurs and Traders are more concerned towards Tax horizon, Employee are more curious to know about their increment .Considering these entire situation how do you think that upcoming budget will fulfill all these expectations???

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Yoga and Meditation

Yoga is can do miracle in your life well if you are known and in habit of it you would not be saying it a miracle and truly speaking  this is not miracle. If you judge it in scientific way it is a complete Science.

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Uncle Moneylal’s Confusion

Uncle Moneylal is a farmer in my village. He is having 20 cows with total investment of Rs 100,000 to raise them. So no doubt his investment per cow will be Rs 5,000. He wants to sell his cow in the market one year from now.

Sunday 16 March 2014

Angel Investor....

Are you an entrepreneur? Looking for an infusion of capital for your startup?? If the answer is yes then you may curious about “angel investors”. You may have great plan regarding your business but you might not have sufficient capital to implement your plan in to action

Friday 14 March 2014

Banks & Banking in Nepal

What is Bank…??
It has been believed that the word “Bank” is derived from Latin word “Bancus” which mean “Bench”. Bench where people used to seat and operate their money related works and keep the records for the same.