Sunday, 14 April 2019

This must be stopped, This is Heart breaking!

We are in 2k76 BS as per Nepalese calendar. You can obserb mela in different part of siraha on every new year. On every new year here in Golbazar people celebrate it in a unique and pleasing way. I was there at Dhamini Temple to observe this unique way to welcome new year, I was there to enjoy the mela, I was there to get into the temple for worship and prayer. I clicked few photos in front of Dhamini mai Temple. It was my first click of 2k76 BS, Initially I was happy to see my click but later I became unhappy to see that picture. Let me now share that click.

I was happy to see those balloon i clicked. It was random click, when I was scrolling my gallery I saw this pic, I was happy to see those colorful balloons but I became sad to see the kid who is holding those ballon. 

There are two kid in the picture you can see holding those balloon to sell them on new year. Looking at their age it's seems they themselves needs toys to play and needs school to study. But they are selling toys, you may wonder why? Well An empty stomach can't think of toys, An empty stomach can't focus on study. Now the answer is quite simple. Yes! They are doing this for their very basic need that is food. Poverty is alarming 

If you have visited kathmandu and have used local transportation to travel different places in kathmandu, you must have notice that conductor of the most of the vehicle is under age to work as conductor. There many small kids who have been involved in begging on the street. There are many who have been working as: a dishwasher in hotels, a sales boy and many have been involved in agricultural activities as well.

Child should enjoy their childhood, they should enjoy their education. Child shouldn't be a begger, not be a bus conductor, neither be a sales boy, nor be a dish washer in hotels, not even a farmer! Child labor exist in our country and across the globe! It kills the childhood of child, it is against their health and right aswell.

Picture above shows that child rights have been ignored, not only the picture posted above in this article, you google child labour in nepal and you will see the condition, Indeed It depicts that their future is at risk. But how can child labor be stopped? Who is responsible for child labour? Government should come up with strict legal provision to control child labour, Not only Government, concerned authority , NGO, INGO as an individual we all should do bit from our end too on this issues! This must be stopped, this is heart breaking!

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